The Final Delivery Short Film:
How Does The Product Use or Challenge Conventions and How Does it Represent Social Groups or Issues:
In our first preliminary task, we tried to stick mostly to the conventions of a thriller with our technical approach in camera, audio, editing, and mis-en-scene.
How Does Product Engage with Audiences and How Would it be Distributed as a Real Media Text:
How Did Your Production Skills Develop Throughout this Project:
How Did You Integrate Technologies in this Project:
Screenshot of the song |
I only used Adobe Premier Pro for the effects I put into the short, such as the flash effect used when the Agent is shot, and for the title sequence at the beginning. I also used it for adjusting the audio and adding additional audio, for example, the music playing in the background.
The moment when the agent is shot and the moment I would like to have integrated a gunfire effect with added blood |
If I could go back and redo some uses of technology, I would have integrated a gunfire effect from After Effects to help make the moment more realistic and even more grounded. Also, I would have used After Effects to add in some fake blood to help sell the reality of this situation being possible.