Sunday 30 April 2017

Preliminary Task 2 - Creative Critical Reflection

How Does Your Product use or Challenge Conventions? And How Does it Represent Social Groups or Issues?

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How Does the Product Engage with Audiences and How Would it Be Distributed as a Real World Media Text?

How Did your Production Skills Develop Throughout this project?

How Did You Integrate Technologies In this Project?

The Adobe Editing Suite
The cut scene involving a lot of sounds
added together
The shot where I broke up the long shot
with small cuts
I used a lot of sound and audio effects from folders on Adobe and the school media drive, and this really was a library in which I could do almost anything I imagined would help the film, and it did, helping to create a compelling world in which this all could've happened by managing to create a realistic array of sounds. I also used the speed\duration tool in Adobe Premier Pro to help speed up some action clips to help raise the intensity of the action, which is smooth and works rather well. I also integrated some cuts in-between long shots in the fight scene to help push the action along.

The setting for editing speed/duration



  1. Jackson-

    Eliminate 'a lot' or 'lots' from your vocabulary; it's far too non-specific.

    Could discuss the added gruesomeness and savagery associated with the up-close nature of this weapon, as opposed to the impersonal, more distanced feels associated with a gun.

    Of the two weapons you've used, which fits better in the post-apocalyptic world you've created?

    Actually, I think some of the Bourne fight scenes might have overwhelmingly diegetic sound! (Not 'all', but some)
    Otherwise, well considered. Could expand re: effects on audience due to this choice. Additionally, no mention is made of the initial voiceover.

    Feels rushed, as if given a quick glossing over and then left. Could discuss how choices demonstrate different atmospheres of urbanity and, later, savagery.

    Your use of 'trope' is becoming a trope of your blog entries. :)

    Engagement section reasonably strong.
    Okay, but get creative. How could you generate interest with this?

    Good honesty. I think you could keep developing lessons learned from the experience from pre-production through to filming.
    After Effects section will need development as well.

    HOW did sound and audio effects 'create a compelling world'? Saying that's what you did is not enough.
    Editing techniques need to be specified as well.
    This section also needs much more attention.

  2. Jackson-

    OVERALL: 20/50

    Edit has some interesting audio subtleties, and the raw atmosphere is effectively communicated by camera work and editing decisions. That said, you could smooth out some transitions in audio and in colour grading.

    Question 1 is fine. The rest needs detail.
    You often start strong; finish as strong as you start! The effectiveness of your products is not measure by its high points like blips on a radar or heart monitor, but by your ability to demonstrate consistent excellence.

    Much better content.
    Teal font in 3rd slide is still a bit glaring to attempt to read. Perhaps see if you can fade out your background on that slide to make the text stand out more?

    Same again on the orange font that begins the Representation section.
    Great thought on strangers – can you link it to a core representation area? Can you extend this in terms of the common societal / personal “fear of the unknown” or creation of an “outsider” who does not belong or is trying to break up a certain group / culture?

    Quality of audio – edit, please.
    No ‘wallpaper’ at all; forces viewers to listen, but ironically may lose their focus.
    Good thoughts on audience engagement / interest / buy-in.
    Social media aspect jumps to cinema viewing pretty quickly. Love the idea about posting a website with teaser footage to get people talking.

    QUESTION THREE- (Tchr response for this question mirrors content supplied by student)

    Vague. What elements, specifically, came together to “create a compelling world” and “a realistic array of sounds”?
    Example of scenes that were sped up for intensity?
    In what way do your ‘integrated cuts in between long shots’ help to push the action along?

    T. Marcus
