Wednesday 22 March 2017

Preliminary Task 1 - Creative Critical Reflection

The Final Delivery Short Film:

How Does The Product Use or Challenge Conventions and How Does it Represent Social Groups or Issues:

In our first preliminary task, we tried to stick mostly to the conventions of a thriller with our technical approach in camera, audio, editing, and mis-en-scene. 

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How Does Product Engage with Audiences and How Would it be Distributed as a Real Media Text:

How Did Your Production Skills Develop Throughout this Project:


How Did You Integrate Technologies in this Project:

Screenshot of the song
One of the biggest uses of the internet was finding the right music for the short. I found a composer called Fesliyan Studios who does some great pieces of music for films. I used the track Brink, which really helped create that suspense I was going for.

I only used Adobe Premier Pro for the effects I put into the short, such as the flash effect used when the Agent is shot, and for the title sequence at the beginning. I also used it for adjusting the audio and adding additional audio, for example, the music playing in the background.
The moment when the agent is shot and the moment I would
like to have integrated a gunfire effect with added blood

If I could go back and redo some uses of technology, I would have integrated a gunfire effect from After Effects to help make the moment more realistic and even more grounded. Also, I would have used After Effects to add in some fake blood to help sell the reality of this situation being possible.     


  1. Jackson D –

    Include actual export of film.

    Question 1-
    Always state the question, for reference.
    Colour of font difficult to read. Fix please.
    Never really addresses the idea of how text represents social groups or issues.

    Question 2-
    Nice graphic, but unpleasant to read. Fix please. Use pictures of talent as reference?
    Overall, audience engagement answer is incomplete; extreme tension that stems from uncertainty would be more applicable to what target audience? Although you mention ‘adult audience’ in distribution answer, you also need to tell me: Why?
    Distribution answer shows awareness of basic distribution practices, yet considering message of film: where would you focus your efforts on exhibiting the film? Why?

    Question 3-
    This and Q4 are in desperate need of a CREATIVE medium for presentation of the answer. As is, this is not acceptable.

    Question 4-
    Okay. What else could you have done, if you could do the product over again? Storyworld technology and graphic overlays, etc?
    How did you approximate a realistic gun effect?
    Any other audio issues?

    OVERALL: 10/20

    Content is thoughtful and reflects general awareness of key concepts and effects generated by technical elements.
    Could use more graphical elements from planning and finished product.

    - T. Marcus

    Jackson D –

    Sound – mixed results. Some effective use in editing when going for particular effects, and other times needed more careful attention to how sound transitions from one shot to the next.

    Non-diegetic sound well chosen, yet at times could not tell if sounds were intentional – if so, the track volume was far too low.

    Editing – effective storytelling, though attention is clearly on visual aspects. Needs a more balanced approach.

    Mise-en-scene – strong overall for this point in course work. Needs more developed attention to detail.

    OVERALL: 16/20 (L4 in marking schedule)

    Good story and generally adhering to requirements. Tension needs to be lifted. One shot is repeated. Take your time with editing – it is the end-product of your vision.

    T. Marcus
