Sunday 30 July 2017

Foundation Portfolio - Storyboards

I was assigned, as cameraman, to draw up the storyboards for our Foundation Portfolio. From the moment we came up with the idea for a techno thriller, I had specific shots which we have kept through till the end, the very first the medium-wide of the robot standing up and finishing his monologue (under the storyboards). We didn't make many changes after, just a few to help the flow and make the shoot a little easier because I made some plans to do shots that were just too complicated. An example of a shot we changed was from a medium-wide of Jim grabbing an axe and smashing the computer to a close-up of him shooting the computer. The change from an axe to a gun was a big part of this change but also the sense of claustrophobia is kept with the close-up.

                                            The main challenge for this storyboard was
                                        achieving the transition from shot 3 to shot 5.We
                                       were forced to re-shoot shot 3 as the shots did not
                                                                    match up well.

                                          Shot 2 of the second storyboard remained a
                                          close-up, but the restrictions of our location meant
                                          we had to rotate the shot and film from behind
                                          Jordan Parratt.

                                         The first shot on this board was filmed over Jordan
                                         Anderson's right shoulder to capture Joseph in the
                                         shot. This board involved the most movement to
                                         shoot so there was difficulty in such a crammed

                                         The most changes made out of all the storyboards
                                         as when we found our location there was no space
                                         to have Joseph thrown into the ground. Throughout
                                         the shoot a lot of changes made due to the limited
                                         space we had.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Foundation Portfolio - Shot List

For our foundation portfolio I was assigned to do the Shot List which I had previously done in for our Preliminary Task 1. I did not write down any of the additional shots planned because those were really just in case we had time, which we did not end up having. The shot list was a huge help in keeping the rest of the team on track for where we were going, able to scan it and see how many shots were left to get. For me, however, I worked much more with the storyboard, a visual way of me keeping track of the amount of shots needed and what they needed to look like, an aspect important for the director.